What is Receiving Coaching from Me about?

Make self care a celebration, rather than an obligation.

With compassion, curiosity, creativity, & clarity,
Learn how to transform your habits & beliefs into healthy, joyful, and empowered choices . 

The 4 Pillars of Fully Embodied Living


The Primary Pillar in Fully Embodied Living is the Body.

Learn how to listen to the language of the body, so that you can move confidently & enjoyably throughout your whole life.

Creating a safe, effective, fun, & customised movement practice, is part of the Fully Embodied Living Program, allowing you to enjoy your physicality no matter where you are on the fitness journey.

I also teach classes (group & 1-to-1) in Fully Embodied Fitness - a weave of Yoga, Pilates, Dance & Functional, Mindful Exercise. Learn the science & the art of how to get longer & stronger from the inside out.


With the next pillar, Nourishment, learn not only what a healthy, balanced diet is,
but what a healthy, balanced relationship with food & nourishment is.

There is a lot of mis-information, mixed messages, vested interest, & shaming about food & diet - none of it designed to help us be healthier.

What works is balancing all the information out there, with the wisdom WITHIN of what your body is truly hungry for,
and how it can best be satiated, for long term health & well-being.


Connection to Presence is about Mindful Living.

In a world filled with increasing possibilities for distraction,
we can forget that our most important relationship is with ourselves.

When we sit in the present moment, listening within, we discover reservoirs of wisdom, joy, clarity, & serenity. With practice, we can build trust in these inner reservoirs, rather than seeking answers or approval from outside of ourselves.

Meditation, breathwork, visioning, compassionate self-inquiry, & mindful living practices
help us stay equally grounded and expansive.


Growth is about creating wholesome aspirations,
so that we can reveal our best nature, and live in joy, with purpose & meaning,
connected & contributing to our world in the unique way that only we can.

Growth is about kindly & safely challenging ourselves to grow into our most radiant expression of ourselves, so that we can offer our best to the world around us.

Enjoy the process of becoming, as well as any destination you reach.

When receiving coaching from me, you can expect:


*My full attention, respect, & support

*That you are fully in charge of your journey, as I support & guide with all of my experience, knowledge, tools, & enthusiasm.

*That through our coaching journey, you will find & nurture your own inner coach so that you feel capable & resourced for continued growth

*That the 4 Pillars will be the starting point to help you discover your most fully embodied self, but all areas of health & wellbeing are open to investigation!

*That together we will create mini-goals & practices within each session, so that achieving larger, more far-reaching goals is more do-able, & enjoyable!

*That my own Fully Embodied Living Practices will allow me to bring positive, focused, & expansive energy to each session!

 "I have been taking classes from Tracy for over 13 years now. As a result, I am physically and spiritually stronger, fitter and more energetic at 56 than I was at 26, or at any other time in my life! Her classes and teachings are essential (my superpower) and have helped me accomplish complex and difficult goals outside of fitness as well. Tracy has helped me connect deeply with my animal body in a way that I could not have previously fathomed, but which feels absolutely natural and amazing now that I have made that link. My time with Tracy is rewarding and always an energizing highlight of my week. "
Katherine, Edmonton, Canada